Palaces of Constantin and Comnenes: project of museographic presentation of the palaces of Constantin and Comnenes in Istanbul from the data processing of the existing plans; with Wladimir Mitrofanoff, architect, and his; registered at ARTEMA.

Project for multimedia installation YELLOW INSIDE: interactive fiction policy with electroacoustic music

April 2010 : registration of Copyright at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF PARIS) of the engraved work, i.e. 59 etchings and 37 linocuts.

The automatic data collection on the website was led by BNF on April 6th 2010. This website can now be seen, in the same way as the active website in the internet archive collections and is available for consultation by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France researchers .

August 2010 : presence on the website, in the DIGITAL ARTIST VIDEO ART section.


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